Fringe is an American science fiction television series created by J. J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci. The series follows a Federal Bureau of Investigation "Fringe Division" team based in Boston, Massachusetts under the supervision of Homeland Security. The team uses unorthodox "fringe" science and FBI investigative techniques to investigate "the Pattern", a series of unexplained, often ghastly occurrences that are happening all over the world. The show has been described as a hybrid of The X-Files, Altered States, The Twilight Zone, and Dark Angel.
Size: 150 MB avg
Container: Matroska (.mkv)
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Episode 01 - Mediafire | Megaupload | Hotfile | MultiuploadEpisode 02 - Mediafire | Megaupload | Hotfile | Multiupload
Episode 03 - Mediafire | Megaupload | Hotfile | Multiupload
Episode 04 - Mediafire | Megaupload | Hotfile | Multiupload
Episode 05 - Mediafire | Megaupload | Hotfile | Multiupload
Episode 06 - Mediafire | Megaupload | Hotfile | Multiupload
Episode 07 - Mediafire | Megaupload | Hotfile | Multiupload
Episode 08 - Mediafire | Megaupload | Hotfile | Multiupload
*Episode 09 - Mediafire | Megaupload | Hotfile | Megavideo
Next episode: Jan/21/2011
Ayoyo ... why do I keep getting "File Removed for Violation" on Mediafire? Ayoyo ...
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