The series, set in the fictional metropolis of Palm City, follows Vince Faraday, an innocent police detective who was about to leave the force that has been corrupt. When his police chief is murdered by the mysterious individual known as Chess, Faraday learns of a plot by billionaire Peter Fleming to take over the police department.-Wikipedia
The series, set in the fictional metropolis of Palm City, follows Vince Faraday, an innocent police detective who was about to leave the force that has been corrupt. When his police chief is murdered by the mysterious individual known as Chess, Faraday learns of a plot by billionaire Peter Fleming to take over the police department.-Wikipedia
Size: 180 MB avgGenre: Drama | Action
Language: English
Links: Homepage -
Download Link:
Episode 01 - Mediafire | Megaupload | Hotfile | Fileserve | Megavideo
Episode 02 - Mediafire | Megaupload | Hotfile | Fileserve | Megavideo
Next episode: Jan/18/2011
sila update~
bila nak update ni?!!!!
ko dah ketinggalan lain dah smpi cape 5 :P
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